Sunday, December 26, 2010

Future Cars

I'm currently revisiting these old models I created for a Blade Runner like game.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Theme Park Design

Collaboration with my friend Chris Lee.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mytheon Levels

here are some levels I worked on. I worked on the terrain textures, some of the modelling for the props, and prop placements. I also adjusted the ground terrain and did some of the ambient and environment lighting.I also had a chance to design some of levels from scratch.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Franken Mill

A little collaboration with a friend on making a windmill near Frankenstein's castle.  

Rundown HQ

I was brainstorming an post apocalyptic area where survivors made a HQ in an old mall.

Amusement Park re-imagined

Here is my take on a version of Disney's Main Street.

The Gate House

Friday, October 15, 2010

End of Nations Acropolis

Here is one of the maps I worked on for the new project I am working on. I worked on the first pass and basic layout for certain areas of the map. I also worked directly with the Designer to get the level up to 90%.

Mytheon Trailer

here is a trailer of a game i recently worked on. I worked on majority of the level in the game.

Baja 1000

Here is a game i worked on at Left Field Productions. This is one of the maps I worked on. Modeled in Max and Exported to the proprietary engine.